Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The following are some specific "Persuasive Essay" prompts some of you sent in for "Government OR Econ." There are some great ideas here. Please post your ideas as comments to this post and share the wealth.

1. Write a letter to congress on the topic of the electoral college. Discuss and evaluate multiple proposals. Recommend one proposal. Defend your position using evidence.

2. Write a persuasive essay about some aspect of economics. Such as free market theory, corporations, advertising, etc. Discuss multiple perspectives on one of these issues.

3. Urban growth. Should the boundary be expanded, limited, or kept the same? Explain multiple perspectives on the issue and defend one position, citing supportive evidence.


The following are some specific "Persuasive Essay" prompts some of you sent in for "U.S. History" . There are some great ideas here. Please post your ideas as comments to this post and share the wealth.

1. Truman's decision to use atomic weapons against Japan is one of the most controversial in history. In retrospect, was he justified in using the weapons? Discuss multiple perspectives. Include and defend your position, citing evidence.

2. During World War II, Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps. Was the decision to intern the Japanese a military necessity? Was it justifiable for reasons besides military necessity? Discuss multiple perspectives. Include and defend your position, citing evidence.

3. Was the rise of industry good for American workers?

4. Was American foreign policy during the 1800’s motivated more by realism or idealism?

5. Were U.S. interventions abroad between 1890 and1917 motivated more by realism or idealism

6. Was it in the national interest of the United States to declare war in 1917?

7. Should the United States have ratified or rejected the Treaty of Versailles?

8. Did the Republican Era of the 1920’s bring peace and prosperity to America as a whole?

9. What caused the most severe economic crisis in American history?

10. Could WWII have been prevented?

11. Were the methods used by the United States to contain communism justified?

12. Why did poverty persist in the United States in the 1950’s during an age of affluence?

13. Were the civil rights movements of the 1950’s 60’s and 70’ successful in reaching racial equality?

14. Was John F. Kennedy a great president?

15. What is the proper role of government in shaping American society?

16. What was the impact of counterculture on American society?

17. How should historians characterize the 1970’s?

18. Was the Reagan Revolution good for the nation?

19. Were the effects of President Reagan’s foreign policy mostly positive or mostly negative?

20. Has the United States preserved American Ideals while attempting to address security concerns during the time since 9/11/2001?


The following are some specific "Persuasive Essay" prompts some of you sent in for "Modern World History" . There are some great ideas here. Please post your ideas as comments to this post and share the wealth.

1. Write an editorial about the British Industrial Revolution. Were the overall effects of the Industrial Revolution positive or negative? Pick one side to argue. Write from the perspective of a British citizen.

2. As a culminating assignment for History Alive! Modern World History activity 2.4 in the “Communist China and Modern Japan” unit students write a persuasive essay in the affirmative or the negative concerning the following statements “Education of Japanese students and American students is mostly the same.”

3. As a culminating assignment for History Alive! Modern World History activity 3.1 in the “Modern Latin America” unit students write a proposal for how the resources of the Amazon rainforest should be used.

4. Should oil drilling be allowed in the Amazon? Discuss multiple perspectives. Include and defend your position, citing evidence.

5. Who or what is to blame for instability in Africa today? The colonial powers, corrupt dictators, militias and warlords, the people themselves? Responsibility can be shared by multiple groups. If you think only one group is responsible, explain why the other groups are not.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wi-Fi In Your Room

Click on the image below for quick instructions on how to connect to the wireless network in your building.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Travel Study Opportunity with The "Teaching American History" Program

This could be an amazing opportunity to travel abroad and work with teachers and professors from France and Germany.
I am considering writing a very special "Teaching American History" grant that would enable teachers to do summer travel study trips to France and Germany. This is a long term project, the travel study trips would take place during the summers of 2010, 2011, and 2012. (Wow, it is hard for me to think that far ahead.)

The first data I need to collect in order to move forward is about level of interest.

My question to you is "How interested are you in a opportunity like this?"

Please read the linked preliminary abstract and comment using a 5 point scale.
5 = Count me in!
4 = I am very interested
3 = I would consider it
2 = probably not
1 = no interest

Also please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions in your comments.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Thanks to last year's materials adoption committee, the school board, and the tax payers we received generous additions of technology to our classrooms. (Laptops, Projectors,Speakers, Carts, and presentation remotes.

The more these resources improve our instructional practice and classroom environment the more support we will receive in the future. The future is up to you!

Please post comments to this post
detailing specific ways you have used new technologies.

Also provide suggestions for the type of professional development that would help improve your use of instructional technology.

Friday, April 4, 2008


This post is a forum for you to provide feedback and new ideas to be used as we plan district wide professional development for next year.

Feedback on the following will be particularly helpful
1.What went well and was useful this year in terms of the monthly "Instructional Facilitation" meetings and district wide PD days.
2. What improvements would you suggest in terms of content, process, or schedule.

Please feel free to come back and leave comments anytime.

Manifest Destiny Discussion Through VoiceThead

Click on the
"Sign in or register" button and follow the directions.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Collaborative Examination of Common Assignment

It was decided at our last meeting that we would do some work with the common assignments to get ready for the "Collaborative Review" sessions in May. Please arrange to bring a 3 copies of 2 samples (a "2" and a"3") from the same assignment.

One of our goals is to come up with good examples of a "2" and a "3" for each grade for teachers to use during the May "Collaborative Review" sessions.

Please respond to this post with a description of which levels (9, 10, 11, 12) you will be able to bring.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Based on the the feedback received I have put together this somewhat tentative schedule for the rest of the year. What do you think?

  • February 14th - BLOGS
  • March 13th - Collaborative review of common "Essay" Assignment.
  • April 10th - Socratic Seminars
  • May 22nd - Looking forward to next year

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

PD Ideas For Future Meetings

The ideas that we came up with on January 17th are listed as th e1st comment in this post. After the meeting at your school/building please add the ideas your colleagues come up with by commenting on this post. Of course, you can comment on your own anytime!

Thursday, January 17, 2008