Friday, February 29, 2008

Collaborative Examination of Common Assignment

It was decided at our last meeting that we would do some work with the common assignments to get ready for the "Collaborative Review" sessions in May. Please arrange to bring a 3 copies of 2 samples (a "2" and a"3") from the same assignment.

One of our goals is to come up with good examples of a "2" and a "3" for each grade for teachers to use during the May "Collaborative Review" sessions.

Please respond to this post with a description of which levels (9, 10, 11, 12) you will be able to bring.


Tim Graham said...


I haven't assigned mine "common assignment" yet. Doesn't the district have loads of samples? They should, since we painstakingly grade and send them to BESC every year.

Rick La Greide said...

At our last meeting it seemed as though we wanted to see if we could get enough samples from this year because we are using our 4 trait prompt as opposed to the old9 trait anchor prompt. I can certainly bring some from last year if necessary.

rdraper said...

I might have a couple of 11th grade papers.

Cassie Lanzas said...

I also haven't assigned the paper yet. I will check with other teachers in the building to see if they have something.

Emily Cornet said...

I can bring a few 10th grade papers...

Mr Nolan said...

I too have not assigned the "common assignment." Suggestions?

Rick La Greide said...

I finally got access to the database with the past common assignment samples. I will bring 6 copies each of Gov/Econ samples (all 12th grade), U.S. History Samples (all 10th and 11th grade), and 6 copies of Modern World History/Global Studies samples (mostly 9th grade and a couple 10th)

Please bring 6 copies of whatever samples from this year and we will supplement with samples from last year.

Matt Sten said...

I will bring examples from my 11th/12th grade Government class from this year - a position paper on Capital Punishment.

Matt Sten

Jeff Edmundson said...

Pam or Jeff will bring some 9th grade samples.

Emily Cornet said...

I can bring papers from 10, 11 and 12.