Friday, February 29, 2008

Collaborative Examination of Common Assignment

It was decided at our last meeting that we would do some work with the common assignments to get ready for the "Collaborative Review" sessions in May. Please arrange to bring a 3 copies of 2 samples (a "2" and a"3") from the same assignment.

One of our goals is to come up with good examples of a "2" and a "3" for each grade for teachers to use during the May "Collaborative Review" sessions.

Please respond to this post with a description of which levels (9, 10, 11, 12) you will be able to bring.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Based on the the feedback received I have put together this somewhat tentative schedule for the rest of the year. What do you think?

  • February 14th - BLOGS
  • March 13th - Collaborative review of common "Essay" Assignment.
  • April 10th - Socratic Seminars
  • May 22nd - Looking forward to next year