Monday, October 15, 2007

Got Meeting Time?

Was the afternoon of the 4th Monday of September made available for you to meet and conduct the "Instructional Facilitators" PD?

If so, how did it go?
If not, what got in the way?


pdxdenizen said...

This is a test of the comment function, demonstrating that I have a gmail account and can follow a set of simple instructions. Huzzah!

Tim Graham said...


Ben said...

I can follow your set of simple instructions and proved it by posting this comment.

Rick La Greide said...

Yes we had a lovely meeting that Tom and I co-facilitated and we are all somewhat the better for it. Steve Nims was delightfully vulgar.

Fletcher Frisch said...

I was on funeral leave during the last scheduled meeting. However, I have met with Tom Hewitt to pass on our meeting activities.

Anonymous said...

practice run

Emily Cornet said...

I don't actually remember what our meeting contained on September 24th... chances are good that it did NOT include anything Social Studies related, as I was at soccer practice!