Friday, April 4, 2008


This post is a forum for you to provide feedback and new ideas to be used as we plan district wide professional development for next year.

Feedback on the following will be particularly helpful
1.What went well and was useful this year in terms of the monthly "Instructional Facilitation" meetings and district wide PD days.
2. What improvements would you suggest in terms of content, process, or schedule.

Please feel free to come back and leave comments anytime.


Matt Sten said...

I'll unfortunately miss the meeting as my son has the chicken pox.

Marilynn Wieneke said...

I suggest we hold our IF meeting during the work day. This has worked well with other district meetings.

Marilynn Wieneke said...
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Tim Graham said...

We learned some good information/skills, but it is hard to make sure all staff, district-wide get the information. I think the old model of PD works better.

Also, it would be good for teachers to have more time to plan the PD. Time, perhaps, for teachers to write curriculum, learn new technology, work on the handbook, etc, then pass it on to other colleagues. The current system is too top-down for large buy-in.

Lisa Walker said...

Anytime we learn something new, we need time built into the same day to process and practice it.

Rick La Greide said...


What in particular did you like about the "Old" PD model? Do you mean the twice or thrice a year PD days when teachers shared their curriculum.

Is it the monthly aspect or the selection of topics that that seems top down?

Tim Graham said...


I was referring to the old system when we met at a school, dealt with SS business, then shared curriculum. I also think it would be good to implement the Linda Christensen "curriculum camp" model to supplement the handbook and share during these PD days.

Secondly, I think that lack of involvement/input from PPS SS teachers (re:selection of topics) makes it feel top-down.

Anonymous said...
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Michael Williams said...

Beyond using the time to take care of SS business, I would like to continue with the sharing of what is working well in the classroom in regard to practice.

salesteacher said...

I know this is a big job, but could you put together a list with links for all of the syllabi teachers have made for social studies. We can all see the pre-planned outlines that other professionals have made? I feel those who have a semester syllabus planned out could help some of us who don't have as good of planning skills.