Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Thanks to last year's materials adoption committee, the school board, and the tax payers we received generous additions of technology to our classrooms. (Laptops, Projectors,Speakers, Carts, and presentation remotes.

The more these resources improve our instructional practice and classroom environment the more support we will receive in the future. The future is up to you!

Please post comments to this post
detailing specific ways you have used new technologies.

Also provide suggestions for the type of professional development that would help improve your use of instructional technology.


Anonymous said...

This year I have used my laptop, projector, speakers, cart, and remote literally every single day of the year. As a social studies teacher it has aided my student's access to multimedia curriculum and helped create a more dynamic classroom environment. THANK YOU!

Michael Williams said...

I used the technology bundles on a daily basis. Some examples include: showed daily current event news casts for the warm-ups, show examples of student work, display primary source images for class discussion and analysis, provide instructions on how to complete a projects, access streaming audio and video files, and much much more.

Great use of funds to support classroom engagement.

arivera1 said...

I've used the laptop and speaker system almost everyday in class last year and will do the same this year. The polisci classes have benefitted a lot from the "election updates" every day. We've watched videos on teh net, used interactive websites and have listen to speeches. Th tech bundle has been ispensable.

Anibal Rivera

Emmett's blog said...

We used the bundle mostly in two ways. I am a big fan of cultural literacy and so focus on current events in class. Being able to project news accounts and also Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac on a daily basis was very useful. ln addition, my students did a weekly report (delivered orally to the class) on a person or event from the current week, topics chosen from the Chase Almanac of current events (cf). They used the bundle to compose their reports and present them. A very useful tool indeed!

NLeavitt said...

I have been thrilled with the laptop/projector bundle on a daily basis. Even the kids were impressed with this hot commodity. We were able to use interactive games, websites, watch movies on a not-tiny tv screen, check out the latest happenings on discovery channel (united streaming), as well as the ability to never use the ancient and not so helpful overhead projector. There are just an infinite number of ways that the bundle has made life life easier as a teacher, and made learning ten times more exciting, interactive, and clearly visible for my students.

Amanda Alonso said...

I use my tech. bundle on a daily basis to project pictures of art work, short video clips from united streaming, news clips of current events as well as to guide students through readings and source documents by modeling note taking and the use of graphic organizers.

salesteacher said...

I did not get a social studies bundl. I am lucky that I already have all of the equipment from the bundle because I use them every day. The real issue is that all PPS teachers, in every subject and grade should have even a bigger bundle that includes a Smart Board. Every student should receive a lap top that is updated every couple of years. Some say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one.